
About the Girl.

So let’s start from the top, I’m a thirty year old sassy Welsh gal who loves to chat on the internet and some how I managed to forge a career out of it. I am now a speaker, writer, occasional model and podcast host for my very own podcast The Confidence Corner.

Life is mostly spent with my handsome husband Dan in our flat in East London. When we’re not lazing on our cozy sofa we are jet setting around the world together and sharing our trips along the way.

Good lipsticks, strong WiFi, photography, food and friends make my heart happy…

I talk a lot, and I love people, like, really love people.

I love talking to you, hearing your stories, finding common ground.

Fashion has been a way for me to express who I am and I love to encourage others to do the same.

I believe self love is the key to contentment and that life is too short to not do exactly what you want.

Kindness is a big part of my agenda, followed by laughter, nothing makes me feel better than a good laugh especially at myself.

Hate is a harsh word but when it comes to bullies and fresh coriander I feel its appropriate.

The internet is a very big part of my life and I never thought I was but I am a creative, its who I am, sharing (sometimes oversharing) just makes me tick.


About the Blog.

I started my journey into blogging in 2012 as a diet diary at a time in my life when I felt pretty low about myself, desperate to lose weight and obsessed with dieting I was in a bad place and truly convinced I would never be successful at the weight I was. I used the blog to punish myself into change but instead it made me feel even worse that I started off. Then one day whilst sat on my sofa of my shared flat in London I had an Epiphany I decided that being negative about myself wasn't helping me with anything in my life. Then and there I decided to bin my old blog in favour of something new, this time no negativity allowed, this is when From the corners of the Curve was born. I wrote on this blog for 5 years, sharing my love of fashion and style with a focus on plus size fashion. And now here we are with the third and final change of my site, this time with a move to just my name. Why so many changes you ask? Well I'll be honest, as much as I loved From the corners of the curve, I had out grown it and felt uninspired by the content I was producing and as with everything in life it was time to move on. This time, this website is just apologetically me to share both my blog but also a portfolio of my achievements throughout the years. Your girl, isn't just a one trick pony you know.

I'm still writing about and championing for fairness and equality in regards to plus size fashion in the industry and I still believe women of all sizes should be able to enjoy fashion. If you also enjoy Travel Guides, places to visit in London and the odd occasional rant then good stuff, because that is what you are going to get. This space is and always will be body shame free. Everyone is welcome here, and I mean everyone. So if equality is your thing, come on in.
