Jamie Oliver's Recipease review

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Food and cooking features on this blog often, mainly because it is such a huge passion of mine. I am a self confessed foodie and thankfully my Fiance and my best friend Laura share this passion with me meaning, I always have someone to try something new with.  Before Christmas I asked Laura to accompany me to try Jamie Oliver's cooking class Recipease. Jamie is one of my all time favorite TV chefs, there is something so easy and laid-back about him and his food always looks and tastes incredible and easy to make. I have always wanted the chance to try one of his cookery classes (taught by his food champions) apparently Jamie sometimes visits his stores, although sadly he didn't make a special appearance for me this time. The lesson was a really great experience, one so good that I thought I would share with you. The class we chose was Thai Dinner Feast which as you may have noticed is something right up my street.

We opted for the Notting Hill branch which was fairly big and includes a cafe upstairs. When you walk in you are hit with a variety of delightful aromas and a helpful and friendly staff presence, Once in you report to the front where you are directed to lock away your belongings and get your aprons ready to report around the open area kitchen where the class is taken from.

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How it works 

You each get your own work space and in front of you are a selection of kitchen items which you will use throughout the lesson. Ours included, knives, pans, and pestle and mortar. After a brief introduction from the food champion (class instructor type) you are asked to gather around whilst they run through the beginning part of the cooking process. Now this is the part I found tricky, firstly when there is a full group it is very difficult to see what the teacher is showing you, it is also really hard to hear as surrounding and above you people are still be served at the cafe and the shop. You learn a portion of each step however it is hard to remember it all and with no recipe to follow on paper this did prove quite difficult. Basically Laura and I pretty much forgot several important details which turned out to be just minor and in the end quite hilarious (i.e forgetting to put vital ingredients into the clear broth for our sweet and sour soup) We just went with it and had a giggle, after all it wasn't a serious cooking class. The 'food champion' as ol Jamie likes to call them was really cool and considering we asked a ridiculous amount of questions he was really helpful, even when I cut my finger open with a knife (don't ask)

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 The food itself was actually very easy to make, and I expected a higher level of skill than was required but it still was so fun and the food actually tasted amazing. My favorite of the two dishes we made was most definitely the 'Sticky Chilli Thai Beef' which using mince meat tasted incredible served with jasmine sticky rice. After you cook your food you are able to sit down with the rest of the people in the class to eat the yummy food. Overall I would say this is great fun, but if you are looking for something more educational and serious then this one isn't for you.
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